Mentions in Profiles:
- Model profiles may include direct links to personal subscription fansites and link consolidation pages that gather various digital resources from the creator.
Mentions during Broadcasts:
- Content creators can mention their fansites through the broadcast chat, but these mentions should be moderated and should not divert the main focus of the live show.
- Using overlays in broadcasting software (such as OBS) to display links to fansites is allowed, as long as the overlay size does not exceed 15% of the total size of the transmitted video. This ensures that the link is visible without dominating the main visual content of the broadcast.
Mentions in the Show Topic:
- Including links or mentions to fansites in the show topic is strongly discouraged to avoid distracting viewers and to keep the focus on the broadcast content.
Specific Restrictions:
- Mentions of fansites should not be insistent or framed as a recurring invitation to leave the live broadcast. It is essential that the main focus of the show remains on the Amateur.tv platform.
Consequences for Non-Compliance:
- Any violation of these rules may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to temporary warnings, suspensions, or account termination, based on the frequency and severity of the violation.
Review of Rules:
- These rules will be reviewed periodically and may be adjusted as necessary to ensure that the platform maintains a balanced and fair environment for all users. Changes will be adequately communicated to the user community.