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How can I upload photos and videos to my account?

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You can now share content with your users, such as photos and videos, on your profile to encourage them to create new experiences with you.
You can find this functionality by going to MANAGE YOUR ACCOUNT > PHOTOS AND VIDEOS, you will see two sections: My albums and All my photos and videos.
In My albums, you can organize your content, name and describe the files, edit and delete them, while in All my photos and videos, you will see all the content you have uploaded in one place. 
To upload content in All my photos and videos click on the +. And to add content in My albums, you can also do so by clicking on +, the difference is that you can choose to upload content from your device or select from the content you have already uploaded to the section of All my photos and videos
You can also enable or disable the visibility of the albums for users according to what you want to show them, you can find this option in the upper right corner of the album, represented by an eye symbol, that will allow you to perform this action. 
Additionally, each album has a down arrow next to the title. By clicking on this arrow you will see the options to manage the content: Rearrange, Rename, Select content to delete, and Delete album.   
Last but not least, you can also highlight a specific photo or video in your album! This way the photo or video you select will appear first in the album. To do so, just select the star in the upper right corner of whichever photo or video you choose. 
For more information, you can check our Blogpost: Videos are back at
NOTE: The albums are not marked as visible automatically, you will have to activate the visibility of the albums manually.

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